Residential Electrician: 4 Signs It’s Time To Have Your Electrical Panel Replaced

As a homeowner, you probably don't think about your home's electrical panel until an issue comes up. And when that happens, it can be a real shock to find out that your electrical panel is outdated or even dangerously defective. A faulty electrical panel can be dangerous, so it's important to have it replaced as soon as possible. It's not always easy to tell when your electrical panel needs to be replaced, but here are a few signs you can look out for. 

1. Frequent Power Outages

If you're experiencing frequent power outages, it may be time to have your electrical panel replaced. The electrical panel is the nerve center of your home's electrical system, and it needs to be able to handle the demands of your home's electrical needs. Over time, however, the electrical panel can become overloaded, causing circuit breakers to trip and power outages to occur. If you're noticing that your power is going out more often than it used to, it's a sign that your electrical panel may need to be replaced. A licensed electrician can evaluate your electrical panel and determine whether it needs to be replaced.

2. Corroded Wiring

Another sign that your electrical panel may need to be replaced is corroded wiring. Corroded wiring can cause shorts and even fires. If you notice any corrosion on your electrical panel, it's important to have it replaced as soon as possible.

3. Outdated or Damaged Electrical Panel

If your home has an outdated electrical panel, or if you want to renovate it, it may not be able to handle the demands of your home's electrical needs. An outdated electrical panel can cause power outages and other problems. Additionally, if your electrical panel is damaged or shows signs of wear and tear, it needs to be replaced. An outdated or damaged electrical panel can be a fire hazard, so it's important to have it replaced as soon as possible.

4. Your Home is Not Electrically Up to Code

If your home is not electrically up to code, you may need to have your electrical panel replaced. Electrical codes are constantly being updated, and your home's electrical system may not meet the current standards. If you're not sure whether your home's electrical system is up to code, you can contact a residential electrician. They can help you determine whether your electrical panel needs to be replaced.

Replacing an electrical panel is a complex job that should only be performed by a licensed professional. If you're having any problems with your electrical system, contact an electrician today.
