AC Blowing Hot Air? Timely Troubleshooting Tips and When to Call a Pro

There's nothing worse than your AC blowing hot air in the midst of a scorching summer. Thankfully, with a little knowledge and some DIY spirit, you can troubleshoot this problem. 

Common Reasons for AC Blowing Hot Air

With use, air filters collect dust and dirt, which can impede airflow into your AC system. Poor airflow makes it hard for your AC to cool the air properly, resulting in the uncomfortable feeling of hot air circulation. In other cases, your AC may be suffering from a refrigerant leak. Refrigerant is the liquid that your AC uses to cool the air. When it leaks, your AC can't do its job correctly, leading to hot air blowing into your house. Lastly, faulty condenser coils can cause your AC to blow hot air. These are responsible for dissipating heat removed from the air. If they're faulty or dirty, the heat removal process gets disrupted, causing hot air to blow out from your AC.

Armed with this knowledge, you'll be in a better position to identify and address the cause of your AC blowing hot air.

DIY Troubleshooting Steps

Every AC problem isn't a gloomy monstrosity that'll send you straight to the repair shop. There's a good chance it's something minor you can fix yourself. But before you get to work, remember to turn off your AC unit for safety. Start by checking the thermostat. An accidental switch to heat mode is a common cause of hot air blowouts. If it's not set to cooling mode, switch it.

Next, you'll want to examine the condenser coils. Faulty condenser coils aren't hard to spot. They are located in the outdoor unit and can overheat if they're dirty or blocked. Carefully clean them with a soft brush and remove any visible obstruction. Lastly, check for a potential refrigerant leak. If you notice a hissing sound, it's a possible sign. Unfortunately, this one's tricky and might require a professional eye.

When to Call a Professional

Although being proactive and carrying out simple DIY maintenance can fix most AC problems, there are situations where you should seek professional help. You need a skilled technician if your cooling unit keeps blowing hot air after applying the aforementioned troubleshooting steps.

Professional intervention is critical when you suspect the following issues:

  • Refrigerant leaks: Unresolved refrigerant leaks can decrease your AC performance significantly and, in some cases, pose a health risk.
  • Faulty components: If your AC has damaged parts, such as a broken fan or defective compressor, a professional is best suited to handle such repairs.
  • Complex thermostat issues: It's advisable to let a technician address thermostat problems beyond simple settings.

Note that waiting to seek help from a professional could exacerbate these issues, leading to more costly repairs. Your safety is crucial, so refrain from attempting complex fixes if you're uncertain of what you're doing.

Contact a company like Service 1 Plumbing, Heating & A/C Inc. to learn more. 
