3 Things To Try When Your Air Conditioner No Longer Works Well

Do you have an air conditioner that's not working as well as it should? Are you tired of your home getting too hot during the day? Your first instinct might be to think that your air conditioner has completely broken and needs to be replaced. However, this isn't necessarily the case. There are a number of issues that may be preventing your air conditioner from working as well as it has in the past. Read More 

Give Your Bathroom A New Look In Spite Of Your Shoestring Budget

Thumbing through the home decor magazines, you can't help but feel inspired by all those beautiful modern bathroom designs. Unfortunately, your bathroom looks like it is stuck in the 1970s and your bank account holds what resembles a week's wages from the same decade. The average bathroom remodel could set you back over $9,000, according to HomeAdvisor. Thankfully, the bathroom is one of the easiest rooms to transform without a lot of money because it is smaller than most rooms in the house, so little changes mean a lot. Read More 

Money Saving Tips For Your Heating Bill This Winter

Your furnace may be working just fine, but it could be costing you extra money on your heating bill every month. If your home and furnace aren't in top shape, you could be blowing quite a bit of money unnecessarily on your heating bill. See below for some things you can do to help save you money on your heating bill this winter. Winterize Your Home Get your home winter ready (which can also benefit you in the summer as well). Read More 

3 Air Conditioning Replacement Options

When it seems like you're having your central air conditioning system repaired every few weeks and your home is uncomfortably warm all summer, it is most likely time to look into your options for air conditioning replacement. While upgrading to a new, modern, more energy-efficient central AC unit is a great option, there are also a few alternatives worth looking into. Here are a few unique options for replacing your air conditioner: Read More 

3 Possible Sources Of Odor In Your HVAC

Are you trying to get rid of a nasty smell in your home, does it seem like this smell gets worse when your air conditioning is turned on? If so, the source of the smell could lie within your ducts, furnace cabinet, or even the condenser unit outside your home. This article explains how to check (and hopefully fix) smells coming from any of these three sources:  Smells in the Ducts Read More